A Time for New Traditions (Ciera)

December 25th doesn’t have to be marked by the lighting of a tree, how many presents are piled in the living room or how happy everyone appears to be. Staying curled up in bed, eating toast for dinner and drowning out those obnoxious sleigh bells with your favourite punk rock track is more than valid if it’s how you wish to spend your day.

This year let’s vow together to make Christmas a day less tailored towards tradition and more towards what aligns with you in any way possible. You may be in a situation where you have to celebrate the holidays whether you want to or not, but in the moments you get alone, there’s still a chance to take a breather from external celebrations and connect with yourself.

At the end of every year I take a piece of paper and fill it with things I have achieved. You can make these things as big or small-seeming as you like: you learned how to fold laundry, you made it to another Christmas, you tried a fear food. Anything that matters to you matters, so even if you think it’s silly to put down please don’t be deterred!

If this approach isn’t for you, you could also try making a piece of paper filled with things you have to be proud of, or even just a page of your favourite things. Write them down, draw little pictures, decorate it to your heart’s desire. Then, when you’re feeling down, take it out and have a look: remind yourself of how many things you have to be proud of or what things in the world make it that bit more bearable even on your worst days. 

Celebrate these things in your heart this December 25th. It isn’t about the tree, it’s a day to celebrate your good cup of coffee in the morning, your favourite oversized sweater, how rain sounds against your window make you feel calm among the weight of everything.

I know the holidays can be a tough time, and that pieces of paper can’t make it all go away. So if all you do today is get through that’s more than enough and an incredible amount to be proud of.

I love you and your presence matters in this world. Never forget that.

If you are feeling down and need support, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us here at Letters Against Depression if you haven’t already. We send letters of hope and support to those who need someone there for them. You can request to receive letters here.


New Year, Same Me (Kim)


A Merry Christmas for All (Stacey)